Around the World in Eighty Games: Casinos and the Integration of International Gaming Wisdom

Around the World in Eighty Games is a book by Marcus du Sautoy about his trip around the world, borne of his argument that games have always been an integral element of human civilization.

Beyond being simple forms of entertainment, these games have also been a source of mathematical concepts, as confirmed by Sautoy during his trip. This discovery extended to casinos and other gambling platforms where simple games now rely on complex probability theories.

Around the world in eighty games: casinos and the integration of international gaming wisdom

Thus, du Sautoy sought to prove that modern-day platforms, like the ones found at Bovada casino online, are simply renditions of long-forgotten games from older cultures. By exploring the history of these games, he discovered and proved their origins in ancient times and their evolution across continents. Here are some insights gained and how casinos integrate them into modern-day gambling.

Games Marcus du Sautoy Came Across During His Travels

Long before humanity evolved into the modern world, ancient civilizations played games. These games came in different forms: dice games, board games, card games, etc., and du Sautoy was able to prove their existence in earlier periods. A few of the games he came across include the following:


Originating from ancient civilizations of the Middle East, backgammon is a game played on a board with 24 elongated triangles. Participants played with pieces of fifteen black and fifteen white checkers. The aim of the game is to land on your opponent’s lone checker to return their piece to the beginning of the race.

The two primary ways of winning the game form the basis of its name. Clearing all your pieces before your opponent has moved any of theirs gives you a bonus, referred to as winning a ‘gammon’, which doubles your stake. To further improve your earnings, if you win while your opponent has pieces in your half waiting to find their way around the whole board, then you’ve won a ‘backgammon’, which triples your wager.

Symmetrical Dice

The first symmetrical dice to appear in the gaming scene were shaped like a little tetrahedron. However, this soon gave way to the emergence of cube-shaped dice with numbers marked on the sides from one to six. According to archeologists, this shape of dice emerged in the third millennium BCE.

Before the cube-shaped dice, the numbers were arranged differently: a two on the face opposite three, a six opposite a one, and a four opposite a five. However, with the advent of cube-shaped dice in 1370 BCE Egypt, the modern arrangement became widespread, where opposite-face numbers summed up to 7.

The creation of different dice shapes then led to the formation of mathematics of chance and probability theories. As the future would eventually tell, these two concepts proved revolutionary in both casino gaming and mathematics worlds.

The Doubling Cube

This also arose in the Middle East, where players became fascinated with the idea of raising the stakes of the games being played. According to du Sautoy, these players were no longer content with simply winning a game; they wished to risk money, possessions, and other assets. This then led to the idea of gambling.

The doubling cube was an extra feature of the backgammon game, featuring powers of two on its sides: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64. To play the game, a participant could challenge another person to take the cube and double their wager by placing the side showing the two uppermost on the cube. This may go on and on until the players tire or a winner emerges, winning a prize of twice the stake.


With its origins in China, Dominoes is a game that has gained widespread acclaim worldwide. It is played in cafes, homes, and casinos. In the ancient version, players get a collection of tiles and try to match one end of a tile with the end of a domino fitted on a table.

Participants win by placing all their tiles in the train of dominoes across the table built by the players.

Modern-Day Renditions of Some Ancient Games

Around the world in eighty games: casinos and the integration of international gaming wisdom

As mentioned earlier, modern gambling platforms have integrated some gaming wisdom gleaned by du Sautoy, using them to form the basis of casino games. Some modern versions of these games include:

Pai Gow

Pai Gow is believed to be based on dominoes played in China. In its gameplay, players receive seven cards from the dealer and must create two poker hands against the dealer, who does the same. Whoever has a better poker hand—a five-card hand and a two-card hand—wins.

Pai Gow has since gained popularity in casinos, especially in North America. It offers a unique experience to players seeking a new challenge slightly different from conventional poker.


A modern game rendition traced back to ancient Roman games, where players place bets on the outcome of dice rolls. The betting options may vary from the sum of the dice roll to predicting specific numbers to selecting an odd or even number outcome.

Card Games

This covers a vast array of games from blackjack to poker to baccarat. Card games are often the favorites of players who want a combination of chance, strategy, and social interaction.

Final Stop

Modern casino games are not as far-fetched from older culture games as many may think. By looking through the eyes of Marcus du Sautoy, we can better appreciate the rich tapestry of ancient games in modern institutions. With this perspective, players can better understand the gaming world, leading to a more immersive experience as they play.

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