These Mexican restaurants in Sacramento and the surrounding regions all deliver unique and mouthwatering culinary experiences, representing the diverse cuisine of Mexico.
While there are a ton of really delicious Mexican restaurants showcasing the styles of taquería, Tex-Mex, and Mexicali cuisine, these are not those types of establishments.
To make it onto this list, these Mexican restaurants throughout the Sacramento region must offer a combination of traditional Mexican ingredients, modern elements of cooking, and a unique gastronomical experience.
Featuring traditional dishes from North Eastern Mexico and Monterrey, Catina Pedregal has both an eclectic food menu and superb craft cocktail program. Dinner comes family style, made to share.
Mezcalito Oaxacan Cuisine in Rocklin is serving up delicious traditional Oaxacan food, with an attention to detail and dedication to freshness that is unmatched by many restaurants in the area.
Mayahuel’s owner hails from Michoacán, which gives a unique twist to many of the dishes here. It is possible to take a fairly comprehensive tour of various Mexican cuisines at this restaurant, from Yucatán to the Acapulco coast.